Boxes Stacked On Boxes!
Boxes and other packing materials are an essential part of the moving process. 2 Burley Men want to be your one-stop moving shop. When we order moving supplies we want to be able to offer the best prices possible to you, our customer. So we order boxes by the truckload. When that truck first arrives it can get a little crowded around here with stacks of flat-pack boxes crowding our warehouse and spilling over into office areas. The good news is that the stacks make decent office cubicle dividers!
Check out our moving supplies page for great prices on great moving supplies. We are happy to deliver your order right to your home within the Victoria area – otherwise you are welcome to stop by our offices at 858 Esquimalt Road to stock up on all the boxes you’ll need. Go ahead and over buy…you can return any flat, unused boxes that you don’t need.